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Doulci Activator v2.3 is a software which was developed by the doulci team, which has solved many problems of users around the world including iPhone stuck at "Connect to iTunes" for years. It can create DFU mode and jailbreak iOS 8.x successfully on Windows 7 or 8, but also Mac OS X 10.x just like how it used to be with its previous versions of activators. It has solved many problems and errors previously before, and even fixed iOS 8.3 problems, and it can restore broken iOS 7.x devices and other problem issues too. Because of this, it has received lots of contributions from users around the world, which has helped doulci team to improve Doulci Activator v2.3 successfully before launching it into the market with all new features like: (see details below). Doulci Activator v2 builds on earlier models by knowing what works and what doesn't; we carefully tested every single step in the process to avoid any problem for users wishing to jb iOS 8 or 8.0. 2. Also, Doulci Activator v2 3 can be used on Windows 8.1, Windows 7 or even Mac OS X just like its previous versions of activators which you can check out here. DoulCi Activator is still working and the team will continue to work and improve it in many ways: (check their official website: ) * Mac support is available for Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite and Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks operating systems only; we will add support for other versions such as 10.6 (Snow leopard), 10. 7 (Lion) and 10.8 (Mountain Lion) in the next updates. Doulci Activator v2.3 is a totally free and clean softwares to download and use, and it is currently available for download on their official website: , where you can also get free support from them if you have any problem with it or even submit your comments about their products. Here’s how to get your iOS 8 activated by Doulci Activator v2 3: * Visit the official site of Doulci Activator v2 3: http://doulci-activation. com/ * Download the latest iOS 8 Doulci Activator v2 3 for either Windows 7 or 8, or Mac OS X 10.8 or above. * Install it on your PC/Mac * Connect your iOS device to iTunes* Run the program, click “Activate” button.* Wait for it to finish.* Disconnect your device from PC/Mac* After Doulci Activator v2 finishes all of its processes, your iPhone will be activated successfully ! You can then disconnect your device from PC/Mac. cfa1e77820